Tampa Catholic High School


Tuition Rates (2025-2026)

Child/Grade $ Amount
Pre-K (3 & 4 year old) $10,000.00
One Child $9,700.00
Two Children K-8th Grade $18,840.00
Three Children K-8th Grade $28,000.00
Four Children K-8th Grade $37,165.00


· Room parent $25 per student

· Playground $40 per student

· HSA fee $40 per student

· Technology $65 per student

· Book fee $65 per student

· Testing fee $60 per student (could change)

· Awards Breakfast (7th) $80 per student

· 8th grade fee $160 per student

Tuition Policy

1. The cost to educate each child for the 2025-26 School Year will approximate $17,440.00. This cost, less the net tuition rate is funded by the Shrine of St. Jude Parish and our regional parishes and the various fundraising efforts of the school parents.

2.Enrollment Fee: encompasses FACTS fees, school fees, and operational expenses. Not refundable.

a. $550 per child PreK-6th grade.

b. $630 per child 7th grade-includes $80 awards breakfast fee.

c. $710 per child 8th grade-includes $160 graduation fee.

d. $800 per child if not enrolled by March 1, 2025-Present families only.

3. Tuition policy: Enrolling your child(ren) and signing the tuition Policy statement you are obligated for 50% of the tuition if the student(s) are not withdrawn by April 1, 2025. Full tuition is obligated if not withdrawn by May 1, 2025.

a. St. Jude Thaddeus Foundation-must apply for ADW Financial aid to qualify.

b. Pastor’s Verification form, families must submit the signed form from their Pastor or leader. of their church on or before May 1, 2025: $1,000 Roman Catholic/$500 Orthodox or Christian.

4. Tuition payments: Tuition payments are required to be made through FACTS and may be made quarterly, semi-annually, or over a 10, 11or 12-month period. These payments are made on the 5th, 15th, or 25th of the month. [PLEASE NOTE: If you withdraw your child from enrollment in the school for any reason, tuition is NOT REFUNDABLE.] Once school begins, if you withdraw your child for any reason, or are asked to leave, full tuition is due to the school.

5. Withdrawal from school: The school must be notified by March 1,2025 if your child(ren) is not returning for the 2025-26 school year. If the school is not notified, the 1st quarter tuition for the 2025-26 school year will be billed and considered due.

6. Late payment policy: Students will not be permitted to return to school on the first day unless a tuition agreement has been set up with the FACTS and payments are current. As a new quarter begins, students will not be permitted to go back to school if the tuition account is in arrears. This policy will be strictly enforced. St. Jude Regional Catholic.

School reserves the right to cancel the registration of any student(s) whose family fails to satisfactorily meet its tuition or fees obligation. Student report cards, results of standardized testing and/or transfer information will not be sent or completed until all accounts and fees are paid in full.

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