4820 Walbridge St, Rockville, MD 20853, United States of America
Pre K-3 through 8th Grade
4820 Walbridge St, Rockville, MD 20853, United States of America
Founded in 1956, St. Jude Regional Catholic School is a Catholic community deeply rooted in traditions of faith, unity, and educational excellence, and committed to developing forward-thinking future leaders.
"At St. Jude we..."
Follow the teachings of Jesus
Uphold high moral standards
Respect and love one another
Select curriculum rooted in Catholic teaching
Develop our unique gifts and talents for the common good
Serve our school and broader communities
Promote human dignity of every person regardless of religious or cultural differences
Treat others with kindness and compassion
Embrace parents as primary educators
Value parents as partners
Employ highly-qualified, certified teachers
Help students understand the part they play in their education
Challenge students to meet their full, God-given potential
Teach resilience and creative problem-solving
Encourage student responsibility for and acceptance of consequences