July 12, 2023
Dear St. Jude Community,
Participating in our children’s education is an incredible gift. As parents, we partner with St. Jude to ensure that our children have the best possible experience. The parent volunteer/school support program allows a wide range of school events and programs to happen. To ensure that all parents participate in the volunteer/school support program, I have met with the school board and several changes have been made.
Families will be required to complete 30 hours of volunteer/school support hours (15 hours for single-parent households, meaning only 1 parent participates in the child[ren] lives). Half of the hours must be completed December 23, 2023. Hours do not carry over. There will be a $15 fee assessed per each uncompleted hour. Once the fee has been assessed there can be no refund.
December 23, 2023 | May 24, 2024 | Total Hours Completed | |
Multi-Family Household | 15 hours or $225 ($15 per incomplete hour) | 15 hours or $225 ($15 per incomplete hour) | 30 hours or $450 ($15 per incomplete hour) |
Single Parent Household | 7.5 hours or $112.50 ($15 per incomplete hour) | 7.5 hours or $112.50 ($15 per incomplete hour) | 15 hours or $225 ($15 per incomplete hour) |
Please consider volunteering for playground and recess duty. We are in serious need of volunteers for playground and recess monitors, and without a sufficient number of VIRTUS trained adults we cannot send all of the children outside.If you have any questions about the change to the volunteer/school support program please feel free to contact me. You can also review the program and some of the opportunities in the school handbook and during the school year in the Bulldog Brief.
We are…St. Jude!
God Bless,
Mrs. Donatelli
Jobs include typing, computer work, errands, weekly copying, or any job as indicated by the school office for the school office only. Contact: Ellen Donnelly, Main office
The focus of our annual Book Fair is to promote reading by offering new, high-quality and award-winning paperback and hardback books to readers of all ages. The Book Fair is organized by the librarian and staffed by parent volunteers. All profits from the Book Fair benefit our school library. Contact: Maureen Richter, Librarian
St. Jude tries to assist you with the names of other families in your area who are looking for a car pool.
Contact: Main Office
Volunteers are needed based on teachers’ needs. If you are accompanying and assisting on a class field trip (scheduled and approved by the school), trip time is acceptable and will be counted toward required school support program hours. Aides are needed from September through June on school days only. Contact: Your child’s teacher
Helping hands are needed to assist the K – 4 classes in the Computer Lab. No experience necessary. Other positions: IT, planning for future technology implementation, grant writing and infrastructure updates. Contact: Abby Sullivan, Technology Coordinator
Contact: Ms. Karen Murphy, Drama Club Teacher
Contact: Main Office
Volunteers are needed to assist with the various sports activities during the two Field Days held in May, one for the Middle School (5-8) and one for K-4. Siblings are welcome at teachers’ approval only. Duties include arriving on time to scheduled event, having a basic understanding of station as per packet instruction, assisting students in performing activity required at each station, making sure group stays intact and on task, assisting coordinator with set up and break down of all stations, assisting coordinator as needed, and keeping children safe at all times.
Contact: Mr. Frank Miller, PE teacher
Volunteers are needed to assist the gym teacher. Aides are needed at all grade levels. No siblings.
Contact: Mr. Frank Miller, PE teacher
Volunteers are needed to assist the librarian in daily activities. Includes shelving books, checking out books, storytelling. No siblings. Contact: Maureen Richter, Librarian
Volunteers are needed from 11:30 am to 1 pm Monday through Friday to monitor classrooms during lunch period, and to monitor all playground/parking lot areas and adjoining fields during recess. Duties include overseeing and disciplining children, and diverting vehicles and strangers from areas where children are playing. Lunchtime Playground Monitors have the option of receiving a stipend of $15.00 per day after they have fulfilled their 40 hours. The stipend is paid once a month, and the monitor must work at least twice a week to qualify. Contact: Otis Sangster
Volunteers are needed to sort, tag, fold, and/or hang donated uniform items. In addition, we need volunteers to "man" the store during busy times (start of school, change of uniform in Spring) and during the regular monthly open hours. Contact: Eden Negash
6th grade students go overnight to Accokeek, MD, to learn about nature and the importance of working on a farm. Students stay at a lodge that has two separate bunkrooms. Parents are needed to drive students both ways and to chaperone the trip. Contact: Ms. Kiersten Paul, 6th Grade Teacher
Volunteers needed as morning monitors from 7:50 am to 8:20 am, Monday through Friday, on the blacktop overseeing student activities, ensuring safety, and diverting traffic. In case of bad weather, parents will monitor the school hallways. Siblings welcome.
Contact: Otis Sangster
Volunteers may be needed to do repair work in the school as requested or deemed necessary by the Principal.
Contact: Main Office
The purpose of the School Advisory Board (referred to as the Board or Advisory Board) is to provide advice and assistance to the school's administrative team (Pastor and Principal) in the governance of the school.
Contact: Main Office
Contact: Main Office
Contact: Main Office
There are many 8th grade traditions that require an abundance of volunteers. Look for more details as each event draws nearer. Activities include, but are not limited to, the annual 8th grade students vs teachers/parents basketball game; 8th grade dance, and many fundraisers to help keep the cost of 8th grade events to a minimum. Contact: Mrs. Kate McGowan, 8th Grade Teacher
This event is usually held at the end of January/beginning of February each year. At this time we celebrate Catholic education. Volunteers are needed to assist with the many activities held during the week, such as community service projects, lunch for the teachers, open house for the community, and much more. Contact: Main Office
Volunteers are needed to plan and run Family Game Nights a few times each school year. Contact: HSA president
Volunteers are needed to help with the many fundraising efforts led by the HSA each school year. Contact: Main Office
St. Jude Regional Catholic School has a silent auction/dinner every other year (even-numbered year). If you are interested in chairing the event, please contact the principal. Volunteers are needed in many capacities prior to the event, including serving on the committee, soliciting ad sales, soliciting donations, etc. Volunteers are needed the day before and the day of the event to set-up, decorate, and clean-up. Volunteers are also needed to check-in and check-out attendees. Contact: Mr. Maurano
Sponsors for new families entering the school are essential. Volunteers will be responsible for assisting new families to acclimate themselves to the policies, procedures, activities and events of the school. Sponsors must attend New Parents Night in August. Contact: Mrs. Barish
Room Parents assist teachers with projects, parties, or any teacher-approved activity. Room Parents are assigned at the beginning of the school year and will need the assistance of other parents for baking, telephoning, setup, cleanup, etc. Room Parents also help with Catholic Schools Week activities.
Contact: Mrs. Barish