Tampa Catholic High School
Choir Commitment Form

About Us

Are you looking for an opportunity to help lead worship during school Mass? St. Jude Choir might be an excellent activity for you! Students in grades 3-8 meet after school on Wednesdays to sing hymns, learn contemporary praise and worship songs, and learn Mass parts. Choir leads singing during school Mass on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month, and sings for Mass celebrations at St. Jude and supporting parishes St. Francis in Derwood and Our Lady of Grace in Leisure World about once a month. Choir also sings for Mass to celebrate Christmas Eve, Confirmation, First Holy Communion, and Graduation.

Students who have been in Choir for a year and want more of a leadership role might be ready to join the Cantor group, who practice singing Responsorial Psalms, the Gospel Acclamation, and announcing hymns during Mass. Cantor group meets on Thursdays after school.

For more information, look for a flyer during the first week of school, or email Music Teacher Mrs. White at amy.white@stjuderockville.org


The Choristers are open to students in middle school. We sing for First Friday Masses, May Crowning, the Christmas Show and the Spring Concert. 

We also sing with the School Choir for the Catholic Schools Week Masses, First Penance, Ash Wednesday, First Holy Communion, and Graduation.

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